Thursday, March 3, 2011

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Cantonal 2011: changing the operation to aid the economy

Historically, the Left is fighting for greater justice to the General Council in the allocation of aid for companies. Today, it is the biggest with the most. This is not acceptable! I propose change of method and focus on small and very small, employing more than 80% of Jurassiennes and Jura.

Today, large companies can benefit from direct subsidies without conditions (up to 400 000 €), while the SOHO-SME access only repayable loans. (Eg loan of honor, see link below cons). These direct payments accounted in 2009 to 2.3 million euros. Tomorrow we shall create large companies repayable advances (loans) in social and environmental conditions, and we will allocate more favorable loans for existing TPE-PME, direct grant aid to remove the obstacles to the creation of businesses and promote equality of opportunity (see article below cons on the budget vote 2011).

The amount saved then (1.2 million euros per year) would be reinvested in other departmental projects. It is time to put these in order to aid the county map for economic justice!

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Cantonal Jura 2011: support of Jean-Marie Michaud

Jean-Marie Michaud, a former deputy Montmorot

"The dynamism of Marc-Henri Duvernet and willingness to defend our territory is an asset for all Catharus and residents of the township. Listening to this and if elected he will accompany every group projects! "

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

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Cantonal 2011: Paulette Guinchard support

Paulette GUINCHARD , Secretary of State for seniors under the government of Lionel Jospin, the instigator of personal autonomy allowance (APA)

"The cantonal elections ahead are very important to you in Jura, they will allow you to have a clear majority. A young General Counsel, convinced, very attached to his township you will be heard in your department. His dynamism and belief are guaranteed to be a great General Counsel available to all and especially to those who are the priority of a General Council of the most fragile, elderly, people with disabilities in particular. So by voting for Marc-Henri Duvernet, you're sure to have a General Counsel caring, available and satisfied. "

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Cantonal 2011: support older people and their families

In the Jura, there has been no revaluation of the APA in 2010. There will be no more in 2011. Yet most outgoing county had promised to beneficiaries and their families.

This funding will be debated in parliament APA this year. The goal of the UMP is clearly call into question the universal principle of law (funded by the National Solidarity) going towards privatizing the management of addiction. The Left refuses and will fight any plans along those lines!

For my part, I am opposed to the systematic use of inheritance and the obligation to take out private insurance. These solutions always penalize the poorest, those who have small pensions, thus creating unequal access to quality public service.

In the Jura, on ABS, the cost charged by the associations of home help services has increased due to increased expenses, it is around 20 €. Yet the hourly rate of ABS funded by the General Council is 17 €. A party is therefore already charged to families and beneficiaries. Therefore, the Left had proposed a revaluation of the APA during the 2011 budget vote. This was denied by the right and the voice called "casting" of President Raquin.

Moreover, we must also support planned housing for the elderly to empower them to stay as long as possible at home , in line with their wishes. The loan CODAL, now abandoned by most departmental outgoing UMP is a good lever, while the rest paid, less subsidies is still too high for retirees modest maintain their homes. Moreover, these loans will pay back and are therefore not a big financial burden for the department since it is only an advance of funds. They are safe, older people honoring their commitments.

I will therefore propose a regular upgrading of the provider rate plans with APA during the term of office and find financial measures that can improve the daily lives of seniors and their families with all stakeholders .