Thursday, October 14, 2010

Can A Tooth Ache Give You Strep Throat

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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Raising Snowmobile Suspension

Paris - A tribute to General Pierre Marie Welsh

Tuesday, October 5 at 10:30 am, a Mass was said at the memory of General Marie Pierre Welsh, one of the brightest strategists and geo-political contemporaries who left us August 23, 2010 at noon at the age of 99 years .

The ceremony took place at the Church Saint Louis des Invalides in Paris.
about 350 people were present.

Alas, only the Figaro has devoted a half page !

Who was Pierre Marie Welsh?

Born in Turin, June 29, 1911.
It was
Brigadier the Air Force.
Father of French nuclear deterrence .
geopoliticians French .
A writer with the publication of 28 books
His 1960 masterpiece: strategy of the nuclear age, Calman-Lévy preface by Raymond Aron, who will return in controversy (the nuclear Non expired or alliances)
A artist, an inventor , a teacher.
2003: He founded the Forum for France in collaboration with the Ambassador of France Pierre Henri Maillard and Fouguereau.
2004 The other work: The Fatal Hour of the West, L'Age d'Homme, is a work indicative and may be prescient.
2005: He fights for "no"
the referendum on the draft European Constitutional Treaty .

Pierre Marie WELSH
hosted by honor, the sense and the best interests of the Fatherland , was the father of nuclear deterrence But also an advisor and servant of several departments of the republic IV
In dying August 23, 2010, the France has lost a great strategist and end geopolitics.

JJ Alex