Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Cardboard Houserabbits

France - The National Assembly adopted the headscarf ban full

July 13, by 335 votes against a , MEPs adopted first reading the draft law banning the wearing of the veil in public space

Dominique SOUCHET,

A supported law against wearing the full veil

He was part of the 58 MPs who had asked in June 2009 the establishment of a commission Investigation the wearing of burqas in France .

It welcomes today's adoption by the quasi-unanimity by the National Assembly of the law banning the wearing of the veil. For Dominique
SOUCHET, this is a clear law as it applies to any public space, including the street, and just because it provides for a heavier fine for those who wear the full veil force.

He added that this law is essential :
To ensure public order and social cohesion: the public safety requires that no one hides his face in the common area.
To curb communalism: the law said that assimilation to French culture suppose that we adopt the mores and codes .

JJ Alex


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