Wednesday, February 23, 2011

How To Build Cb Linear

Cantonal elections 2011: 7 candidates vying for the election of Lons North! Cantonal

Prefecture of Jura has unveiled the list of applications validated by its staff for district elections to be held 20 and 27 March.

Lons North Canton is experiencing a rush of applications, much as the previous election (6 in 2004). For information, you can find them by following this link: applications.

Our Bid with Marie-Claude-Dalloz Barbarin, led by the Socialist Party and the Left group in the General Council, its elected officials, association leaders and citizens committed to victory, is ready to step in .

During these weeks of campaigning, we will remain faithful to our political process, closer to the citizens, leading a campaign offensive in all towns, where we will present our project for the county first ballot! Starting next week, you will find on this blog, the main elements of this project and articles on the issue of the election.


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