Monday, February 28, 2011

My Amp Stopped Working ?

Cantonal 2011: the challenge of

For 40 years, the Township of North Lons the Department are managed by the same team. Today this team, including General Counsel outgoing part, supports the Sarkozy government and its political attacks constantly in our territories, degrades our public services and increase our taxes regularly, weighing heavily on households Jura (+ 15% between 2004 and 2010). The time has come to give a new majority in the Jura! 's time to switch Department Left!

I will not let the county government and the majority still require outgoing to the Jura and the Canton poor returns they are inflicting the country. Here, Right has all the powers in decades, what has she done? She has given up a department of Jura rich its strengths and building on its success.

Right now, most county outgoing UMP multiplies the effects of ads on specific issues, communicates to the death in the local press and conducting acts of campaign, when she was conspicuously absent during his tenure.

Meanwhile, today a large majority of our citizens, the a crisis is not over. Life is always more expensive, low wages and inadequate pensions continue, workers and pensioners are suffering badly, fear of not finding a job or losing it progresses, the young leave our territory, artisans, traders and farmers face significant expenses and increasing demands of regulation, then our local services disappear!

More than ever, the township of Lons NORTH needs of social justice and solidarity, rupture and renewal!

BREAKING with the Sarkozy government backed by the outgoing UMP General Counsel
BREAK with the outgoing majority county, with its method of management of the Department and "control" projects
BREAKING with local law and its political pretensions

Lons NORD is the 18th district that could swing the Department to Left , opening a new era for build future plans. I agree on 5-axis:

Social combat disengagement of the state economy
Wear forget anyone
Acting for the maintenance of public services
Valuing our heritage and culture, our territory and Advancing environmental
large Township projects from 2011 to 2014

All these issues will be addressed on this blog until the first round.

Today, everyone must tighten their belts, this is what the government keeps telling us all day long. However, most county outgoing UMP has launched projects piecemeal without ensuring their viability and their interest in the long term. Ex: airport-Dole Tavaux, broadband, Orgelet roundabout, motorway exit Arlay ... These projects were often launched with objectives that have never been achieved: canceled flights to the airport, all the Jura have no access to broadband as opposed to the commitment, the output Arlay aimed to serve the future recreational area Desnes which takes off yet ...

In total, these projects have cost taxpayers more than Jura 20 million euros of investment!

Yet the use of public money by the demand for total transparency of funding in all areas is a requirement of departmental policy. The Jura deserves exemplary in financial management. I agree to ensure democratic principle.

Moreover, the new county council will have to fight for the repayment of the debt of the state towards the Jura (20 million / year). Indeed, most current UMP does not want to hurt "his friends" the government by conducting a genuine balance of power on this issue capital. Besides, she never informed the Jurassiennes and Jura of this fact, however, that weighs heavily on the finances of the Department and local taxes. More

the election nears, the majority UMP current becomes arrogant. She is afraid of losing the Department, by groundswell that will sanction his choice, his working methods and outdated support to Sarkozy government whose policies make it difficult everyday life of our citizens, making them lose confidence in the future, as in that of their children.

The attractiveness of our territories and the protection of families Jurassiennes deserve better!
20 and March 27 next, YES we can change course!


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