Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Bedwetting In Adults Pic

Bypass West of Lons, near a reality? What does John

I do not want to argue about an issue of territory as capital that must bring together all political actors and departments concerned. This is not my state of mind, nor in the interest territory awaiting this achievement for over 30 years now.
Indeed, the opposition called "systematic" has never been a political move that I support and I remember as a candidate today, we have a huge need to renew the local political practices. We need to do politics differently. Actually, our supply of life needs of drivers that support the folders to the end and working sustainably with people and other elected officials in a transparent, making the accounts regularly.

So o ù we stand for the bypass?

Firstly, I have had little new. Either we're in a completely opaque at the stoppage of work or the project does not yet know where it goes and little is to communicate.

For my part, I consider these two options as plausible. Why?

Firstly, the project does not seem to sweat the sincerity when we do not yet know what road improvements, commercial, environmental, will be established. In November 2009, if the portion of the Rock was inaugurated with great fanfare by politicians in the presence of Dominque Bussereau, former Minister of freshly landed No. 5 Fillon government, yet today, the rest of the project has failed. I do not know what you think but it does not seem appropriate to inaugurate a piece of infrastructure, while 90% remain to be done. For your curiosity, I really invite you to watch this video .

You will see the art of "wooden language" of some elected officials on this issue that greening their speech or who, like Mr. Busserau do not hesitate to talk about a topic they do not master by taking a shortcut rhetoric to talk about "major rail projects" (favors you it lacks connections to Strasbourg and Lyon for our students ? Or the southern branch of the LGV who will probably never?), "Balance" between our countries so that we know of disparities (see report Mazars, SCOT and future chipboard) ...

[Before returning to circumvention, it seems relevant to recall that all such approvals and the grand opening is expensive. I'm not saying they are not necessary, but we must be humble and cautious in terms of their costs, even in times of economic crisis continues ...]

For information, last year, the General Council had produced a poster evoking the following times: end of first section (the Star-Montmorot) in 2011 and the end of the 2nd section (Montmorot-Gevingey) in 2012.

What about today?

Work is stopped for searches and other excavations. First, where are the archaeological reports? What's on our soil? We have the right to be informed to consider all possible outlets around these searches.

investment community is important for this project. It amounts to 46 million distributed as follows:
- 11 million for the General Council
- 10 million for the state
- 9 million for the Community of Communes Basin Lons (CCBL)
- 8.5 million for the Regional Council and the rest being borne by the Fund compensation of VAT.

For example CCBL today its overall investment in this project is not finished. Since a loan of € 1.5 million at a rate of 3.90% over a period of 30 years was contracted in January 2009 with Dexia Credit Local and another loan of € 4.5 million at a rate of 3.75% is reserved for 3 years with the Caisse des Depots et Consignations to finance the participation circumvention.
We see that the debt for such a project is important, it is then necessary to anticipate new loans that will soon be released to the detriment of other equally valuable projects (renovation of roads, transport ...).

Now, why people are they not informed of what's happening? Why is there no account of reviews of projects completed, including the General Councillors, while the client is the Department? Why the General Council has agreed to open discussions with the CCBL for so little time to work together on the bypass?

Moreover, the function of General Counsel Lons North is the right step to control the infrastructure and meet monthly local elected officials and services of the General Council. But what is it really? We see only piecemeal achievements without clarity and transparency.

What solutions?

time the campaign has not come, we will therefore proposals at this time. However, there is a real problem around the project design and quality of execution. Beyond the quantitative aspect (the actual implementation at the earliest), we must be vigilant the qualitative aspect, so that the 2 sections will impact on privileged territories between hills, forests, rivers and villages with AOC.
As I often say, the issue of Jura is playing back on its identity, enhance its image to gain strong environmental sole condition that it is never lost in competition among jurisdictions that surround us and who have already taken the lead on us.

services of the General Council are working well, we must support them more effectively. Therefore, we must think through that "wall" almost impassable for pedestrians and cyclists (problematic Montmorot agricultural college), business development and tourism with areas of arrest and services, integration priority routes of travel sweet and protection of wildlife ...

Anyway, today the sounds of the project corridor ahead and announce it late. This book is vital for reducing pollution (14000 tons less CO2 per year), facilitate the movement of families in the basin lédonien and reduce congestion.

Q hen most departmental react she? When you it will decide to hold a meeting public and make this project a real priority?


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