Thursday, November 4, 2010

Changing Boat Ownership Ontario

and listening!

We continue our regular work, closer to local realities. Why, how? In fact, it is a daily commitment to continue throughout the territory with a motivated team and be attentive to the field people and their needs.

Therefore, we wanted to meet with the mayors and their deputies to share with them on issues and inter-communal and their vision for the future development of the basin lédonien face challenges such as "Grand Lons" or the SCOT (Schema Consistency Region).

This approach is innovative for a candidate who has no electoral mandate. It might seem surprising, but it has repeatedly been hailed by politicians. Overall, all the exchanges were of great quality and summarize the link we want to establish the needs of the township and the responses that a general counsel must make available in full. The construction of a balanced territory also depends on the involvement of general counsel in the development of catchment area (monitoring records, meetings Public Accounts Minutes of money ...).

The establishment of a genuine grassroots democracy is suspended in these settings. It is a necessity. Today, we need new eyes to control our communities. Indeed, we must constantly measure the satisfaction of our fellow citizens in public decisions, as Jurassiennes and Jura are the heart of our project!


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