Sunday, November 14, 2010

How To Get Rid Of Face Rash


The leisure of Desnes, driven by Jean Raquin for years will take shape. Recently, Mr. Raquin, General Council Chairman Bernard Peyraud, Mayor and President of the union Desnes Joint Sicadesnes and Martin Schmitt of Real Cap (private developer of the site), have formalized the upcoming launch of the construction of this work, during a news conference.

We knew that the current draft of the recreation of Desnes close to his heart to Mr. Raquin developed to build $ 3.3 million, a motorway exit Arlay (Bersaillin between those that already existed and Beaurepaire). It is true that for any amount of investment (3.3 million), at the expense of taxpayers Jura, the draft Desnes interest has been great to be profitable by economic activity and development of our territory.

Prior to insinuate that most departmental spending public money so incoherent and ineffective, look what it is exactly.

First, the building permit was filed for bowling, but it announced several other short-term projects. I remember briefly, there is no bowling on our large living area, and two will come out soon land in total confusion (and Desnes Perrigny).

Furthermore, we learn for example the assumption of achieving a karting cover 4000 m2 and the construction of a building "well being" (spa, sauna ...) with or without pool. Later, the achievement of 50 to 70 cabins is under consideration, as device with the Scellier bonus! Finally, it is referred to the implementation construction of a fishing boat activity, the development of the beach, restaurant, and a home base for campers ...

You already believe in Savoy or Cap d'Agde on the island of leisure? No, welcome to Jurassic Bresse!

Without questioning the merits of the project, one that tends to develop Lake Desnes and preserve its environment, I am shocked by the proposals. Initially, communities were granted funding on a project to the public with access to the beach and pool for school and not to facilitate private investment!

Besides, why is it planned to build 70 chalets Bresse Bresse while architecture is characteristic and noteworthy? Indeed, the Bresse Jura through the first set, we know that each building architecture is historically specific. So better get on with developing our architectural heritage and to limit the impact of uncontrolled construction, as chalets en Bresse! At the Scot Country lédonien, we see how the O planning issues are important and can determine the validity of projects on the merits.

Moreover, these chalets would be built "in Scellier" . I remember that this device is designed for easier (to little Jura as the average income in the department is about 1900th / month), often already own homes, looking for interesting tools for tax exemption. The principle is simple: you buy a property that you rent to people and you reduce your taxes a portion of the amount of property purchased. The consequences are perverse because the device sometimes promotes urban sprawl, the emergence of empty homes or property rented to large sums (To repay loans more quickly) excluding de facto the middle class and the poor (especially rural). All this at taxpayer expense, since each tool tax exemption costs the community. A

Desnes, these cottages are rather intended for tourist rental, managed by a private company. I want investors to have deep pockets because if the rentals are lowered, it is their investment will be affected. Unless this proposed tax exemption is managed by a large company in this sector, which will have the means to share the investment risk.
this draft cottages, we must reaffirm that urban planning in a privileged background and feature can not be the only object of laisser faire and property speculation. The identity of our territory is at stake!

But then, why such projects grotesque s'officialisent today?

In fact, the union needs the money provided by the developer. In his absence, it would raise premiums for joining the common Sicadesnes. This idea is widely rejected while the local government finances are increasingly abused. (We see here the link of cause and effect between the disengagement of the state vis-à-vis the impact on communities and local projects where communities are losing ground in private will always seek the short-term profit at the expense of quality of life and preservation of the identity of our territories: the principle of leveling down.)

Today, the idea of a president who does not support the right, which brings together and takes the time to get things moving away again more. However, I advise him another fight much more buoyant for our area and its attractiveness. Indeed, as I already wrote about this blog home must surf on an image on an identity in line with its strong rural territory within a fragmented and an exceptional natural environment and heritage. In the Jura, we must rely fully on the environment and everything that goes with it!

For information, a National Plan of Action for the Protection of wetlands has been established. It meets the commitments of the Grenelle Environment, and participates with the undertakings set by France in the framework of the International Year of Biodiversity. In this framework, a draft national wetland park on the Jurassic Bresse. Ultimately, three sites will be selected out of 110 competitors in France. This is a tremendous opportunity for the Jura but no one speaks.

Is it more interesting to bring projects become bling than defend our territory and its characteristics?


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