Sunday, January 2, 2011

Cruise Spots Portland Or

approach to energy autonomy

Our work of the winter ...
For years we have adopted a sustainable mode of operation . To consolidate our approach, we decided to go further, making significant work put to environmental standards . This work was performed under the assistance plan for developing rural tourism established by the General Council of Hérault.
We just finished our for solar electricity production this facility is the first stage of work to achieve the most visants high environmental quality for our cottages The Sundial and this more particularly on the theme of energy management and water.
Solar will now almost all the needs energy of our guesthouse .
monitoring energy will monitor the proper operation and will be available for the study of its database.
The next phase of work will involve the establishment of a system recovery rainwater roofs which will be distributed by an independent circuit for supplying water from flushing the toilets.
A roof product, which collects and protects, always been a welcoming home .....


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