Friday, January 14, 2011

How Much Iceskating In Moa

The priority of the broadband

As most of you, I received the latest issue of the General Council, "Juramag. The wish expressed by the General Council would be to develop the "Very high-speed" in our Department. This orientation has also been ratified last December by adopting the scheme Territorial Director of Digital Development of Jura without prior public debate.

Overall, the cost is very important. It is estimated that almost 200 million euros over 20 years. As most of you, I also received the newspaper of the "Land of Lons" who spoke on the last page of "Connectic 39". The concessionaire manages implementation of broadband in the Jura. It is composed of companies Eiffage 1 (Europe's leading construction) and Altitude infrastucture 2 .

On this page there is written that "some Jura think not having Internet access or only at reduced speed . In fact, some people in our catchment area show their discontent for many years for Internet ... This is not a figment of the imagination is a reality!

Most departmental outputs common this kind of files in all directions. Unfortunately they are only acts of campaign, sometimes demagogic to look good while citizens are still on the bench. The year 2009 should be the year of "broadband" for the General Council. Yet in the Township of North Lons, all Jura have no access to broadband in 2011.

So what should we choose? The broadband for all or the very-high speed for others? If the two do not conflict, Lons North Canton has already need a broadband network quality for all!


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