Sunday, January 9, 2011

How To Get Isight To Work On Oovoo

Closures Classes: Disengagement State!

Waltz announcements of closures of classes in the countryside will soon begin. Currently, we know that the school inspector, Jean-Marc Milville, will make its copy to the Ministry under the new budget law passed which provides for the elimination of 16,000 teaching positions for September 2011. 1

The application of this law provides for the abolition of 29 posts in the Jura. It's huge!

The policy of the government on the principle of non-replacement of staff on two, severely penalizes our rural areas, their attractiveness and their families who live there. All these measures collect the opposition strong families and elected officials through regular engagement with which I agree and I will argue relentlessly .

I am committed to organizing a school system which, without obscuring the concept of the number of students to receive either accordance with the aspirations of families based on the interests of children . Investment in the future, the school can not be a target for savings! Each family

legitimately aspires that his children are in school enrollment of optimum quality. Elect Directors and must meet this demand with all the attention required. This will be one of my priority concerns during the campaign against the current options taken by the outgoing county majority and its representatives, who deal with this situation, fearful of offending their political cronies who run the country, prefer to take refuge in inertia, merely as formal approaches ineffectual.


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