Thursday, March 3, 2011

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Cantonal 2011: changing the operation to aid the economy

Historically, the Left is fighting for greater justice to the General Council in the allocation of aid for companies. Today, it is the biggest with the most. This is not acceptable! I propose change of method and focus on small and very small, employing more than 80% of Jurassiennes and Jura.

Today, large companies can benefit from direct subsidies without conditions (up to 400 000 €), while the SOHO-SME access only repayable loans. (Eg loan of honor, see link below cons). These direct payments accounted in 2009 to 2.3 million euros. Tomorrow we shall create large companies repayable advances (loans) in social and environmental conditions, and we will allocate more favorable loans for existing TPE-PME, direct grant aid to remove the obstacles to the creation of businesses and promote equality of opportunity (see article below cons on the budget vote 2011).

The amount saved then (1.2 million euros per year) would be reinvested in other departmental projects. It is time to put these in order to aid the county map for economic justice!

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Cantonal Jura 2011: support of Jean-Marie Michaud

Jean-Marie Michaud, a former deputy Montmorot

"The dynamism of Marc-Henri Duvernet and willingness to defend our territory is an asset for all Catharus and residents of the township. Listening to this and if elected he will accompany every group projects! "

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

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Cantonal 2011: Paulette Guinchard support

Paulette GUINCHARD , Secretary of State for seniors under the government of Lionel Jospin, the instigator of personal autonomy allowance (APA)

"The cantonal elections ahead are very important to you in Jura, they will allow you to have a clear majority. A young General Counsel, convinced, very attached to his township you will be heard in your department. His dynamism and belief are guaranteed to be a great General Counsel available to all and especially to those who are the priority of a General Council of the most fragile, elderly, people with disabilities in particular. So by voting for Marc-Henri Duvernet, you're sure to have a General Counsel caring, available and satisfied. "

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Cantonal 2011: support older people and their families

In the Jura, there has been no revaluation of the APA in 2010. There will be no more in 2011. Yet most outgoing county had promised to beneficiaries and their families.

This funding will be debated in parliament APA this year. The goal of the UMP is clearly call into question the universal principle of law (funded by the National Solidarity) going towards privatizing the management of addiction. The Left refuses and will fight any plans along those lines!

For my part, I am opposed to the systematic use of inheritance and the obligation to take out private insurance. These solutions always penalize the poorest, those who have small pensions, thus creating unequal access to quality public service.

In the Jura, on ABS, the cost charged by the associations of home help services has increased due to increased expenses, it is around 20 €. Yet the hourly rate of ABS funded by the General Council is 17 €. A party is therefore already charged to families and beneficiaries. Therefore, the Left had proposed a revaluation of the APA during the 2011 budget vote. This was denied by the right and the voice called "casting" of President Raquin.

Moreover, we must also support planned housing for the elderly to empower them to stay as long as possible at home , in line with their wishes. The loan CODAL, now abandoned by most departmental outgoing UMP is a good lever, while the rest paid, less subsidies is still too high for retirees modest maintain their homes. Moreover, these loans will pay back and are therefore not a big financial burden for the department since it is only an advance of funds. They are safe, older people honoring their commitments.

I will therefore propose a regular upgrading of the provider rate plans with APA during the term of office and find financial measures that can improve the daily lives of seniors and their families with all stakeholders .

Monday, February 28, 2011

My Amp Stopped Working ?

Cantonal 2011: the challenge of

For 40 years, the Township of North Lons the Department are managed by the same team. Today this team, including General Counsel outgoing part, supports the Sarkozy government and its political attacks constantly in our territories, degrades our public services and increase our taxes regularly, weighing heavily on households Jura (+ 15% between 2004 and 2010). The time has come to give a new majority in the Jura! 's time to switch Department Left!

I will not let the county government and the majority still require outgoing to the Jura and the Canton poor returns they are inflicting the country. Here, Right has all the powers in decades, what has she done? She has given up a department of Jura rich its strengths and building on its success.

Right now, most county outgoing UMP multiplies the effects of ads on specific issues, communicates to the death in the local press and conducting acts of campaign, when she was conspicuously absent during his tenure.

Meanwhile, today a large majority of our citizens, the a crisis is not over. Life is always more expensive, low wages and inadequate pensions continue, workers and pensioners are suffering badly, fear of not finding a job or losing it progresses, the young leave our territory, artisans, traders and farmers face significant expenses and increasing demands of regulation, then our local services disappear!

More than ever, the township of Lons NORTH needs of social justice and solidarity, rupture and renewal!

BREAKING with the Sarkozy government backed by the outgoing UMP General Counsel
BREAK with the outgoing majority county, with its method of management of the Department and "control" projects
BREAKING with local law and its political pretensions

Lons NORD is the 18th district that could swing the Department to Left , opening a new era for build future plans. I agree on 5-axis:

Social combat disengagement of the state economy
Wear forget anyone
Acting for the maintenance of public services
Valuing our heritage and culture, our territory and Advancing environmental
large Township projects from 2011 to 2014

All these issues will be addressed on this blog until the first round.

Today, everyone must tighten their belts, this is what the government keeps telling us all day long. However, most county outgoing UMP has launched projects piecemeal without ensuring their viability and their interest in the long term. Ex: airport-Dole Tavaux, broadband, Orgelet roundabout, motorway exit Arlay ... These projects were often launched with objectives that have never been achieved: canceled flights to the airport, all the Jura have no access to broadband as opposed to the commitment, the output Arlay aimed to serve the future recreational area Desnes which takes off yet ...

In total, these projects have cost taxpayers more than Jura 20 million euros of investment!

Yet the use of public money by the demand for total transparency of funding in all areas is a requirement of departmental policy. The Jura deserves exemplary in financial management. I agree to ensure democratic principle.

Moreover, the new county council will have to fight for the repayment of the debt of the state towards the Jura (20 million / year). Indeed, most current UMP does not want to hurt "his friends" the government by conducting a genuine balance of power on this issue capital. Besides, she never informed the Jurassiennes and Jura of this fact, however, that weighs heavily on the finances of the Department and local taxes. More

the election nears, the majority UMP current becomes arrogant. She is afraid of losing the Department, by groundswell that will sanction his choice, his working methods and outdated support to Sarkozy government whose policies make it difficult everyday life of our citizens, making them lose confidence in the future, as in that of their children.

The attractiveness of our territories and the protection of families Jurassiennes deserve better!
20 and March 27 next, YES we can change course!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

How To Build Cb Linear

Cantonal elections 2011: 7 candidates vying for the election of Lons North! Cantonal

Prefecture of Jura has unveiled the list of applications validated by its staff for district elections to be held 20 and 27 March.

Lons North Canton is experiencing a rush of applications, much as the previous election (6 in 2004). For information, you can find them by following this link: applications.

Our Bid with Marie-Claude-Dalloz Barbarin, led by the Socialist Party and the Left group in the General Council, its elected officials, association leaders and citizens committed to victory, is ready to step in .

During these weeks of campaigning, we will remain faithful to our political process, closer to the citizens, leading a campaign offensive in all towns, where we will present our project for the county first ballot! Starting next week, you will find on this blog, the main elements of this project and articles on the issue of the election.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

How Can You Transfer Cars In Gta Sa

2011: Digital Village

After the exhibition "Made in Jura" in 2009 and the 18th of June 2010 in Saint-Claude, the "digital village" Jur @ tic moved to Lons-le-Saunier at Carcom, this Friday, February 18. At the heart of North Canton Lons!

Why this event did she place one month before the first ballot elections Cantonal? Is this a way to the President of Jur @ tic, also general counsel of the outgoing UMP Lons North Canton, responsible for ICT (information and communication) to the General Council to report on its mandate since 2004? If so, this event should be considered an act of the campaign! Taxpayers' expense!

In this case, we denounce the exploitation of the event and the use of means of different communities for electoral purposes in the service of outgoing general counsel who failed during his tenure in the establishment of " Internet Offer the Jura, superior or even equal to that of large cities .

Indeed, the year 2009 should be the year of "broadband" for the General Council. Yet Township Lons North, as in the rest of the Department, all Jura have no access to broadband in 2011 .

The Digital Village and its exponents have reason to be concerned with innovative themes (e-commerce, professional social networks, remote controls, manipulation of digital tablets ...), however, in the Jura, a time when " economic recovery "is expected, priority for business leaders (to whom this event), is also how most outgoing manages departmental aid for TPE-PME, develops local trade, facilitates business entrepreneurs, create jobs and territorial attractiveness and therefore supports the economy Jurassienne by his votes? (See link below cons.)

So when we talk about new technologies and the Internet in the Jura, we must first think about the need to establish a network High quality broadband for all and aperture priority and training for all generations these tools for the future.

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Cantonal 2011: public meetings

Where to find us during the campaign?

Condamine Friday, March 4 to 20 h at room clubs

Villeneuve-sous-Pymont, Monday, March 7 at 20h at the Town Hall

Chille, Tuesday, March 8 to 20h to City Hall

Courlans, Thursday, March 10 at 20h at the Town Hall

Courlaoux, Friday, March 11th at 18:30 at the Salle des associations

St-Didier Monday, March 14th at 20h in the Town Hall

Ensign, Tuesday, March 15 at 20h at the Town Hall

Lons-le-Saunier, Wednesday, March 16 at 20h at the Social Centre

Montmorot, Thursday, March 17 to 20 h at room Victor Hugo

Thursday, February 10, 2011

How To Remove A Kenmore Washing Machine Tub

Visit of the Luxembourg Palace, seat of the Senate of the Federation

As part of the activities of the Federation of Paris, he was held in November 2010 a visit to the Palais Bourbon, seat of the National Assembly which was a resounding success with participants. It is proposed
a free tour of PALACE OF LUXEMBOURG - SENATE SEAT Saturday, March 12 at 14:30.

We draw the attention of people interested , a Advance registration is required Simply return the reply slip completed at the following address:

MPF - Attention Christian PECHEREAU
16 bis Avenue de la Motte-Picquet 75007 Paris

Warning , limited seating, only those who receive from us confirming their registration and will be included on the list sent by us in the Senate may enter upon presentation of proper identification.


NAME: .......................................... ........... NAME :...................................

ADDRESS :............................................ .................................................. ........

TEL: ...................... EMAIL: ........................................ @ .......................

COME ALONG (E): NAME and NAME: ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...


Cheque to about 75 ANF MPF amount of: ... ... ... ... €

Federation of Paris - JJ Alex

Friday, February 4, 2011

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Candidate Acting

Marie-Claude DALLOZ-BARBARIN will be my deputy at the election of Lons North Canton.

mother of three children, aged 56, is currently working as a counselor Youth and Sports. She lives in Montmorot the hamlet of Savagner 26 years. Activist and volunteer associations since her teens, she was co-founder and parent associations students with responsibilities for 22 years. Today, she is responsible for voluntary associations in the humanitarian, sustainable development, prevention, safety, health, and is invested in the sponsorship of youth employment problems in Lons-le-Saunier.

According to her, "the project a green left seems to be best able to respond to the concerns of Jurassiennes and Jura. Today, the county government and most outgoing despise our territories and the poor , elderly, youth, workers, artisans ... We need to hear another voice, to stop this case and give a new majority in the Jura département! In addition, we need to do politics differently in handling the files of the township as they should be transparently and effectively. "

is with my confidence and my determination that we all begin this election .

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Advantages And Disadvantages Of A Dbms?

Galette in Paris January 19, 2011

The federation has welcomed the Paris hosting its traditional cake, members, activists and supporters of the MPF in Paris. Still many more
every year, they all came with enthusiasm and faith in the future for movement with Philippe de Villiers

Among these, we note the presence of:
Pierre SABATIER president of the Federation of Essonne. In some
active members of the Federation of Yvelines

Pictured Alexander DELPORTE federation president of the Yvelines, in the company of Master Alexander Varaut president of the federation of Paris, Ile de France coordinator and Vice President of the MPF.
Speaking at the meeting, Mr Alexander Varaut told us:
In the future MPF
one difficult political situation and a presidential for 2012 tight

The federation of Paris - JJ ALEX

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Vegetarian Ramen Noodles Recipe

Cantonal Jura 2011 - Launch county

Sunday, January 23, 2011

How To Make Oval Shower Curtain Rod

Spring is coming, just take a breath of fresh air

In March spring arrives!
Enjoy our seasonal spring.

Come take a breath of fresh air, make beautiful walks, hiking, mountain biking ... in our beautiful landscapes of southern France to the Mediterranean climate, with all the diversity that provides the department of Herault.

Our "Heart of Herault" awaits you with Lake Salagou, Cirque Mourèze, Villeneuvette the Abbey of Grandmont, Cirque Navacelles, Abbey Valmagne Cabrières upset and geology, the city of Pezenas Molière renowned for its many antique shops.

You can also visit Montpellier, diverse city, easily accessible by public transport from Clermont l'Herault.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

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Cantonal 2011: Jura Left, go!

The launch of the county's Socialist Party for cantonal elections next March will be held this Friday, January 21 20h to the Common House Marjorie (recommended parking in the parking lot of the Crossroads Market) . Come

so many!

Friday, January 14, 2011

How Much Iceskating In Moa

The priority of the broadband

As most of you, I received the latest issue of the General Council, "Juramag. The wish expressed by the General Council would be to develop the "Very high-speed" in our Department. This orientation has also been ratified last December by adopting the scheme Territorial Director of Digital Development of Jura without prior public debate.

Overall, the cost is very important. It is estimated that almost 200 million euros over 20 years. As most of you, I also received the newspaper of the "Land of Lons" who spoke on the last page of "Connectic 39". The concessionaire manages implementation of broadband in the Jura. It is composed of companies Eiffage 1 (Europe's leading construction) and Altitude infrastucture 2 .

On this page there is written that "some Jura think not having Internet access or only at reduced speed . In fact, some people in our catchment area show their discontent for many years for Internet ... This is not a figment of the imagination is a reality!

Most departmental outputs common this kind of files in all directions. Unfortunately they are only acts of campaign, sometimes demagogic to look good while citizens are still on the bench. The year 2009 should be the year of "broadband" for the General Council. Yet in the Township of North Lons, all Jura have no access to broadband in 2011.

So what should we choose? The broadband for all or the very-high speed for others? If the two do not conflict, Lons North Canton has already need a broadband network quality for all!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

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"Over the next ..." exhibition of the photographer Florian Delaruelle

"Over the next ..."
Florian Delaruelle
Saturday, January 15, 2011 to 18h
to the Photo Gallery Schistes

A pot will be offered this opportunity by
Winegrowers Wine Cabrières
Exhibition until April 8, 2011 Photo Gallery Schistes
Caveau des Vignerons Cabrières
Monday to Saturday from 9am to 12 noon and from 14h to 18h,
Sunday holidays from 10am to 12pm and from 15h to 18h
Come see the development of art in the country!
Margareta - Bed and Breakfast The Sundial

Sunday, January 9, 2011

How To Get Isight To Work On Oovoo

Closures Classes: Disengagement State!

Waltz announcements of closures of classes in the countryside will soon begin. Currently, we know that the school inspector, Jean-Marc Milville, will make its copy to the Ministry under the new budget law passed which provides for the elimination of 16,000 teaching positions for September 2011. 1

The application of this law provides for the abolition of 29 posts in the Jura. It's huge!

The policy of the government on the principle of non-replacement of staff on two, severely penalizes our rural areas, their attractiveness and their families who live there. All these measures collect the opposition strong families and elected officials through regular engagement with which I agree and I will argue relentlessly .

I am committed to organizing a school system which, without obscuring the concept of the number of students to receive either accordance with the aspirations of families based on the interests of children . Investment in the future, the school can not be a target for savings! Each family

legitimately aspires that his children are in school enrollment of optimum quality. Elect Directors and must meet this demand with all the attention required. This will be one of my priority concerns during the campaign against the current options taken by the outgoing county majority and its representatives, who deal with this situation, fearful of offending their political cronies who run the country, prefer to take refuge in inertia, merely as formal approaches ineffectual.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Were Do They Sell Teck Deck

Reviews Bed Breakfast The Sundial at Cabrieres

Reviews of Bed and Breakfast at The Sundial Cabrieres

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Pocket Camcorder With Night Vision


A during the new year, the federation MPF Paris would be pleased to find for its traditional galette share it around a glass friendship .
On this occasion, the Secretary General , Patrick Louis, will provide an update on the political prospects of MPF. See you there
many and wish you an excellent Year 2011.
We count on your presence.

Sincerely .


_Information Complementary .


CIAU 18, rue de Varenne - 75007 PARIS (door code 2184)
ROOM PUPEY-GIRARD (Rey floor right then left)

NB Cheques should be made payable to the order of MPF75.
check and coupon responses will be returned before 14/01/2011 the MPF, to the attention of Christian Pêchereau AV 16 A De La Motte Picquet 75007 PARIS.

INFORMATION : 01 53 63 53 00

......................................... .................................................. ..............................


NAME: ............................................. ........ NAME :...................................

:.............................................. ADDRESS .................................................. ......

TEL: ............... EMAIL: ........................................@....... ....................


O I enclose a check for: .... € (... € X 5) to ORDER THE MPF75

O I can not join you but to help the federation the federation I am sending you a gift .... €

... ............................................. .................................................. ..........................

Warning , effective Monday, January 17 booking in advance only by calling January 1953 63 53 00 and the payment will be made on site and costs 10 € per person

The federation of Paris - JJ Alex

Sunday, January 2, 2011

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approach to energy autonomy

Our work of the winter ...
For years we have adopted a sustainable mode of operation . To consolidate our approach, we decided to go further, making significant work put to environmental standards . This work was performed under the assistance plan for developing rural tourism established by the General Council of Hérault.
We just finished our for solar electricity production this facility is the first stage of work to achieve the most visants high environmental quality for our cottages The Sundial and this more particularly on the theme of energy management and water.
Solar will now almost all the needs energy of our guesthouse .
monitoring energy will monitor the proper operation and will be available for the study of its database.
The next phase of work will involve the establishment of a system recovery rainwater roofs which will be distributed by an independent circuit for supplying water from flushing the toilets.
A roof product, which collects and protects, always been a welcoming home .....

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Why Does It Burn When I Have My Period

For 2011, the Federation of MPF Paris presents its best wishes to its members and supporters of the Movement