Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Does My Tv Need Qam For Dish Network

"Lons Spring" is far! Alongside

Sometimes politicians forget the past and think they can escape. But this only happens in movies, and reality is much more subtle than some would have us believe.

Indeed, he recently told Pélissard not want to leave " fall the city in his wanderings. "However, for the curious, those interested in local history and for all those that do not allow themselves be fooled by false quotations, I invite you to visit the following web pages:

Video 1 Video 2

Video 3

Videos Lons-le- Saunier
, Sources of the INA.

You'll find different themes, including policies to help you better understand Lons-le-Saunier today. You'll find that the main achievements on which the Urban Municipality of Jacques Pélissard "live" today (Juraparc, Place de la Comédie, the Community House, Conservatory, the renovation of downtown, the Crossroads of Communication, the extension of social housing, the Boeuf sur le Toit, the City Kitchen, bowling alley, the House of Unions ...) were made by the Left, through its territory project developed in the medium and long term . In addition, you will discover another way of doing politics , closer to people, asking them regularly on issues they experience daily.

Moreover, at the last Community Council of the CCBL deliberations were decided in precarious conditions:
- the DGS (Director General Services) who apologizes before the opening of the meeting because he "did not have time" to take account of the last Community Council, dated July last (being candidate "other right" in the Ain department, it takes a long time?). The report is neither public nor in possession of the elect.
- thirty issues to the agenda
- nearly 4 hours of meetings "nonstop"
- tired of elected officials who do not want to ask questions
- a meeting that turns almost to chamber recordings
- elected officials who have the merit to intervene, but end up being considered almost naturally, as "hair-splitting" that prevent others from returning home
- a lack of attendance (7 people + 2 journalists for Progress) and so little doubtful before debates, and barely heard the response of elected in the Mezzanine Juraparc (no microphones)

Once again, we can ask ourselves these political practices which have in fact only one goal: keep your hand on the framing of issues, assign the bare minimum elected officials within certain decisions, while trying to make us believe in a job well done, almost "omniscient" and regular from the President. It's smoke and mirrors! The work of the Vice-Presidents is good but the management of Mr. Pélissard is exceeded.
also do commission work on all cases handled by the community council? How many elected officials actually participating? Are exhaustively informed guidance from the office? How quickly? Why Vice Presidents can not they animate thematic working meetings, even in the absence of the President, to better prepare the community boards?

Today, take the time to build the files in transparency , shared responsibility and concern for quality in accomplishments (see the redemption of the building DDAF to implant a "House of local services," where many gray areas remain ).

That's also the Left local !

* "Lons Spring" was a stroke of successful communication, dated 1989 from the list led by Mr. Pélissard who won the city on a division of the Left.
** Here is the document distributed by the team in 1989 Pélissard: document
*** In the same document (3rd image), you'll find that building a treatment plant "garbage", launched by the team of Mr. Auger was denounced in 1989 by Mr. Pélissard, then that Today he plays the defender of the key policy for the environment. At the time, he denounced "environmental pollution" and referred to the choice "between the spa and garbage" in a highly populist and thus document now contradictory. In addition, currently known what radiation Lons through its hydrotherapy? Has he grown? Finally, Lons Is Always the tip of sorting household waste, an idea supported by the Left and ecologists initially taken over by Mr. Pélissard?


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