Friday, December 17, 2010

How To Customise A Bandana

VERDICT: NO PLACE, "Innocence Guillaume de Villiers has finally recognized "

" The Court of Appeal of Versailles , made (this) Friday (17 December) a nonsuit in favor of the eldest son of Philippe de Villiers. (Source Reuters)

counsel MaƮtre Alexandre Varaut
President of the Federation of Paris

Guillaume de Villiers was accused wrongly by his younger brother.
In the trial that pitted two brothers, "William de Villiers, accused of raping his younger brother, will not be judged in court, according to a decision of the investigating chamber of the Court of Appeal of Versailles provided by his lawyer, Mr. Alexander Varaut. (SOURCE AFP)
verdict of the case, Justice ruled: NO NEED

Excerpts from the AFP dispatch:
"The innocence of William de Villiers is definitely recognized," he said his lawyer Alexandre Varaut, arguing that Lawrence de Villiers was "contradicted at any time when one examines the evidence and expertise" folder.

"Despite this success, this is not a feeling of triumph that we feel but a feeling of sadness for a family that has been rolled in mud and Lawrence, a fragile young man and handled, and for all what William lost since the beginning of this case, "he added


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