Sunday, December 5, 2010

What Are Miniture Images On A Slide Called

Right now, we travel the district to distribute a questionnaire on the expectations and needs of local entrepreneurs, with respect to the General Council and in particular the future of General Counsel Lons North. Today, we notice a lack of regular links between businesses, their employees and county elected officials in the canton . It's about understanding the implications of this distance on corporate life and vision that entrepreneurs can have this territory. For example, they are informed of actions to support the local economy as the General Council may establish? Do they need new infrastructure to grow their business? How soon ...?
Why this approach?

We continue to conduct pre-campaign to gather the information needed for a better understanding of our territory and expectations of the people who live and work there. For my part, this exercise allows local strengthen the link I have with the territory continuing to understand its strengths and weaknesses to better respond later with concrete proposals.

Today all local stakeholders and citizens need to be listened , and that they need Left , more than ever! Therefore, I continue to do politics differently by getting involved every day in the field, to better understand the issues and refine our proposed land.


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