Saturday, December 4, 2010

Fabriquant De Dune Buggy

Federation of Paris offers activities for members of MPF

Four main activities.

In beginning of each year, she invited members and supporters of MPF Paris to share the cake.

Four conferences are organized by year (one per quarter) around a theme chosen by all members of the federation.

3) It organizes visits

Those of Palais Bourbon and the Palais du Luxembourg

A) The Palais Bourbon

A visit was held November 20, 2010

A brief overview

Located in the 7th district, the Palais Bourbon was built in the 1720s, Louise Francoise de Bourbon, daughter of Louis XIV legitimized and Mrs. de Montespan.
the Revolution in 1791, it was declared a national asset, and was assigned in 1795 to the board of five percent, it is now the headquarters of the National Assembly.

The tour begins with the reception gallery. Inaugurated in 1848, it connects to the Palais Bourbon hotel Lassay.

The current Chamber was built between 1828 and 1832. It keeps the plane in a semicircle in the Council Chamber of the Five Hundred.

The tour ends with a possible view the Court of Honor. It hosts since 1989, the monolith of black granite sphere of human rights.

B) Palais du Luxembourg

Located in the 6th arrondissement, was built in the early sixteenth century.
In 1795, he was assigned to the Executive that embraces conservative senate in 1799.
Currently he is the head of the French Senate

Note: the visits take place in excellent conditions (accompanied by a guide) but are Planned for 50 participants maximum

4) During the first half of September , organizes and proposes a weekend of three days in the Puy du Vendée Mad (Show designed by Philippe de Villiers in 1975 involving 3,000 volunteers).

Note: Invitations are sent by mail and for those who have computer with internet, email

JJ Alex


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