Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Milena Welba Small Man

The 2011 budget of the General Council Jura

The Right has been stagnation and sank in postures politicians. The vote on the budget for the year 2011, resulted in cleavage well marked in the meeting department. On the one hand, politicians of continuity, those who support government policy and pursue a managed separately (regardless of openness, transparency and public discussions with stakeholders), few products (see vote below) and other elected officials of the opposition who have proposed a series of amendments, taste the Project as the Left and environmentalists focus in the upcoming district elections.

This budget was an opportunity for lively exchanges between the two parts of the assembly who are already campaigning against the advice of Mr. Jean Raquin, who has consistently maintained that he will work through the benefit of all Jura . However, that does not include the dissemination of leaflets in some cantons he signed for the Right ...

I will not dwell on all the amendments Danielle Brulebois, Chaumergy general counsel, has already published in part on his blog. I invite you to go there to consult . I will mention just one which concerns support for SOHO-SME of Jura.

This proposal aims to support a real economic policy towards employees and entrepreneurs to sustain their jobs and create new ones. How?

By guaranteeing the establishment or continuity of the economic activity of TPE-PME (over 80% of employment in the Jura) through direct aid that are not currently . This amendment was u n nudge in the direction of small structures . However, was refused by the Right massively ( United Left: 17 FOR / majority county: 17 AGAINST ). The Right

you it considers it has a monopoly on "Just" economic policy? You it favors large companies that may receive direct aid to the detriment of the economic Jura?

Instead, the Left to the General Council has long denounced the practice backward (no territorial balance, establishment of direct aid to large enterprises without social conditions of hiring, investment and environmental safeguards) as we propose in March, a new system fair, transparent and legible is to fill in the form of repayable advances large firms to enhance their sustainability investments. This could be associated with a bonus system. See the following amendment !

Returning therefore the terms of a true departmental policy for Micro-SME these payments could have a "leverage" to resume or start-ups . I think particularly young people and people on low incomes who are looking to relocate and who often can not pay a sum of money from which to acquire a production facility or a first device, or with respect to their banks who often wait for such guarantees accompany them in their business ventures.

Moreover, the Left has proposed another amendment , aid CAPEB (Confederation of Crafts and Small Businesses Building) for the help to intervene in schools in order to inform young people all the building trades and accompany the implementation of the assistance fund for the renovation thermal (WAX / 500th issue by which a household of 4 would be eligible). The Right voted AGAINST (17 votes) and the left (17 votes) . The amendment was refused the voice called "casting" of President.

short, the Left has fought against a right move. Although in his shoes, playing cards and the stagnation of renunciation, most county has refused all the amendments of the Left, proposed and written in the interest of our territories and the people who live there. She opted to stay the course, the same since she holds the reins of the Department. However, draft project we will compare against our positions during elections in calling for a break in the management of this community . The Jura is really needed!


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