Monday, December 13, 2010

Does Olive Oil Eliminate Lice?


A seminar was held last Saturday Bellecin. It was attended by candidates supported by the PS, PRG and the group left the General Council. The mayor of Dole, Jean-Claude Wambst, President of the Union of Socialist and Republican Elected Representatives (UDESR) was also present.

We worked again on the project we propose to Jura. We also made a tour of the townships with their various issues. The working day was full of discussion and debate, continuing the establishment of a strong political alternative the majority of the department. The goal is to win the Northern Department and by Lons!

Besides, as you may have read repeatedly in the press, the PRG chose a candidate on Lons North. This choice does not affect the county agreement with our radical friends .

For information, has here is no "primary" will occur because means the PS, the support group left the label and common to all candidates from the agreement PS / PRG will on a single application, mine . In this sense, the GWB Lons North candidate was not invited to the last day work. However, I ran into him on several occasions, the last community council of the CCBL where we are greeted cordially . All is well between the PS and the PRG . Finally, I know that further meetings are planned with other partners to seal at first, our common desire to win the Department .

Indeed, the need Left is huge! The county is split right behind appearances. She has more imagination and breath in the Jura. more reason to stick together !

Francis Mitterrand confirmed today that he believes "for tomorrow, as yesterday's victory left, provided it remains itself. She does not forget his family, the whole left. "


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