Sunday, December 5, 2010

Maculopapular Chicken Pox

Editorial by Philippe de Villiers

The Movement For France has continued to defend our belief in the service of French through our activists, our federation leaders, and our local elected officials. The strategy of the Movement for France is now reaping the fruit of a long process since we have increased our visibility and effectiveness on the ground and our number of elected regional in March 2010 . These are all elected officials who echoed the political beliefs that we preach every day. It is now time
time of the reconquest . As you know, I recently left the General Council of Vendée. I served the Vendee with all my heart, with passion and enthusiasm for twenty-two years. Now I'm going to devote myself more fully to national policy.
I am firmly convinced, the MPF has more than ever its place in building the future of France , in building a better future. To do this we must continue to defend our ideas with enthusiasm, patience and agility in combat future so that we remain a credible force proposal in the political landscape.

With your support , the MPF will have real means for the coming electoral battles. To save France, to help us win our ideas .

Philippe de Villiers


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