Wednesday, December 22, 2010

How Long To Heal From A Ruptured Spleen

Politics as we did yesterday!

I am particularly outraged by the attitude of Mrs. Clement Pernot and Jean Raquin. Opposed to a grant of 20 to the 000th Jura Nature Environment (JNE), they confirm their choice in the press today following an appeal filed by the association on a municipal project, that of building a Champagnole Leclerc.

Once again, a subject reveals a paternalistic operation

Indeed, we will see together how the majority of departmental functions: in a cavalier and ball head. Moreover, it is now very divided. We already knew and the intervention of Jean Burdeyron today in the press reinforces this image, after the recent resignation of the UMP Sylvie Vermeillet, President Association of Mayors of Jura ... Moreover, the division always strengthens authoritarianism and aggressive management of records : a confession of weakness is very hard to approach the local elections.

A Leclerc Champagnole. What can we think?

Today, the proliferation of these surfaces medium tends to impoverish the richness of our core business area to enhance the flow of movement (especially if no car alternative mode of transport is in place) to impact heavily on the urban environment and ecological (artificial soil and land use) and move doing business outside the city center if the project is not designed in collaboration with the interests of local shops and short circuits. In this sense, moreover, I am not dogmatic on this issue and I am not opposed to any major surface as such!

The real question is: what is the appreciation over the medium to long term this kind of project , more jobs created ? It should be understood that the effect of "big-box jobs" on a pool of life does not create a sustainable dynamic of attraction and development of external services , "calling" of new jobs. This kind of project often moves people on the same catchment area or within the Department, maintaining existing populations. We must therefore go beyond this single project, however, in terms of net job creation is vital to Champagnole suffering!

On the principle of "suspension"

Jean Raquin, Progress dated 12/22/2010: " The subsidy payment is merely suspended. JNE will be settled after December 31. I want to reassure them. I hope that dialogue will resume soon. "

Clement Pernot, Progress dated 22/12/2010: "The early December meeting was constructive. I am ready to associate as counsel. Not to please them, but because it can be very interesting for the town. But We expect a gesture on their part, and this can only be withdrawing their appeal. "

These remarks put the knife to her throat JNE could be compelled, as an association, to sack 2 employees. Why such mistrust with respect to this association? Why reverse the decision of the Standing Committee of the CG and the independence of the association?

JNE is part of the network of France Nature Environnement, structures to which I subscribe in recent years. NEF is also recognized Public Utility . Locally, Jura Nature Environment federates thirty member organizations and is in contact with about 70 associations in the Jura. In all, she has over 2000 members.

Is it really that energy where you want to remove Mrs. Raquin and Pernot?

JNE has the right to lodge an appeal about a project she considers dangerous aspects for the environment because it is responsible. Policy makers are not right to blackmail on local issues, taking hostage JNE and the General Council !

In fact, if we understand what you want is to decide not only "forced" outside? Want a Jura without differences, without substantive discussions, monotone, monochrome? Unfortunately, this is not possible in a democracy ! The ethics of public debate and management issues as important, worthy of sharing and understanding of different opinions.

Your practices are backward and pushing back the values of our department land of solidarity, innovation, economic cooperation and strong relationship between our country and the people who live there.

Mrs Raquin and Pernot, we do not live in a closed park, reserved for your ambitions and projects . There are other ideas, many other opinions and cons powers. Moreover, fortunately there are associations defenses of human rights, environment, families ... to enlighten us, as actors in public life.

Yes, I think today we need new eyes to adjust our territories, meeting the needs of associations, citizens, and municipal officials, effectively and efficiently, surrounding himself with all the good wishes and especially people on the ground that we must listen more .

Instead, you tend to distrust, the small-time management of our department, the policy of piecemeal, confined to the territories you represent! In addition, you are only in power for decades, you support the government and parliamentarians who sit on the General Council at your side, you are most outgoing departmental ! And you've missed challenges of the 21st century!

However, protecting the identity of our territory, high value-added environmental and conservation of our environmental heritage, architectural, urban, social, economic wealth are our Department and the keys will development sustained future . We can not squander that wealth and more threatening associations of public utility.

Mrs Raquin and Pernot, you run the risk of removing an independent and undermine its credibility. Deep inside you, do not you think it is conceivable to be wrong sometimes, listen to contrary opinions and to reverse a decision? Or else, in the same lineage, suggesting to Mr. Sarkozy, resulting from your ranks, removing state subsidies granted to unions under the pretext that they too often descend into the street or those granted to the LDH CIMADE or because they defend with pugnacity Human Rights against certain policies xenophobic?


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