Friday, December 31, 2010

What Happend Whit

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What Does The Cervix Feel Like When Menstruate

Wishes For France

Philippe de Villiers, President of the MPF, Patrick Louis , Secretary General, all federation leaders, youth leaders of well as any team national headquarters of the Movement For France wish you a merry Christmas, and you have their best wishes for 2011

Movement For France, with Philippe de Villiers , right belief

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Swr-1242d Wiring Specs

Happy New Year 2011!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Direction For Disney Princess Monopoly

Federation MPF Paris wants a good Christmas for its members and supporters

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Monica Roccaforte Ipod

Paris - The Middle Classes, Driven Capital

good For many Parisians , it became an ordeal in Paris on housing.

ten years since the mayor of Paris pursues a policy of housing maintenance shortages and speculation . In

November 2010, the Paris City Council adopted the new program local housing (PLH).
Again, this paper continues to feed housing shortage and maintains real estate speculation in Paris .

With the acquisition of real estate, transfer taxes levied by the City of Paris, merely increase and will return to 2008 levels. Indeed
end October 2010, it was 927 million euros who returned the funds, an increase of 30% compared to 2009, and all thanks to real estate speculation.

taxes they have diminished so far? Answer NO
, the contrary!

Moreover, the mayor of Paris since 2001 has chosen reconventionner all 16,000 homes intermediate type reserved for middle-class housing very social called:
PLAI (Rental Loans Assisted Integration)
MORE (Loan social rental)

For housing type PLS (Loan social rental)
They are reserved for families whose incomes are too for high be eligible for social housing ordinary But insufficient to be able to accommodate in the private sector.
Currently, they represent less than a quarter of housing approved.

A family with two children with a monthly income of 4500 euros can not consider itself a decent house in Paris , why?
In the private park with 1500 euros a third of its income , it can not find a small apartment , or it must take the decision to leave Paris , and be in small crown, where the price of old apartments rose by 2.5%.

With policy conducted by the mayor of Paris , the middle class is driven from the capital , compounded also by the disorder prevailing in the housing allocation . Indeed
80% of them are assigned to families below 40% of maximum resources. When will

real fair political from the mayor of Paris ?

JJ Alex

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

How Long To Heal From A Ruptured Spleen

Politics as we did yesterday!

I am particularly outraged by the attitude of Mrs. Clement Pernot and Jean Raquin. Opposed to a grant of 20 to the 000th Jura Nature Environment (JNE), they confirm their choice in the press today following an appeal filed by the association on a municipal project, that of building a Champagnole Leclerc.

Once again, a subject reveals a paternalistic operation

Indeed, we will see together how the majority of departmental functions: in a cavalier and ball head. Moreover, it is now very divided. We already knew and the intervention of Jean Burdeyron today in the press reinforces this image, after the recent resignation of the UMP Sylvie Vermeillet, President Association of Mayors of Jura ... Moreover, the division always strengthens authoritarianism and aggressive management of records : a confession of weakness is very hard to approach the local elections.

A Leclerc Champagnole. What can we think?

Today, the proliferation of these surfaces medium tends to impoverish the richness of our core business area to enhance the flow of movement (especially if no car alternative mode of transport is in place) to impact heavily on the urban environment and ecological (artificial soil and land use) and move doing business outside the city center if the project is not designed in collaboration with the interests of local shops and short circuits. In this sense, moreover, I am not dogmatic on this issue and I am not opposed to any major surface as such!

The real question is: what is the appreciation over the medium to long term this kind of project , more jobs created ? It should be understood that the effect of "big-box jobs" on a pool of life does not create a sustainable dynamic of attraction and development of external services , "calling" of new jobs. This kind of project often moves people on the same catchment area or within the Department, maintaining existing populations. We must therefore go beyond this single project, however, in terms of net job creation is vital to Champagnole suffering!

On the principle of "suspension"

Jean Raquin, Progress dated 12/22/2010: " The subsidy payment is merely suspended. JNE will be settled after December 31. I want to reassure them. I hope that dialogue will resume soon. "

Clement Pernot, Progress dated 22/12/2010: "The early December meeting was constructive. I am ready to associate as counsel. Not to please them, but because it can be very interesting for the town. But We expect a gesture on their part, and this can only be withdrawing their appeal. "

These remarks put the knife to her throat JNE could be compelled, as an association, to sack 2 employees. Why such mistrust with respect to this association? Why reverse the decision of the Standing Committee of the CG and the independence of the association?

JNE is part of the network of France Nature Environnement, structures to which I subscribe in recent years. NEF is also recognized Public Utility . Locally, Jura Nature Environment federates thirty member organizations and is in contact with about 70 associations in the Jura. In all, she has over 2000 members.

Is it really that energy where you want to remove Mrs. Raquin and Pernot?

JNE has the right to lodge an appeal about a project she considers dangerous aspects for the environment because it is responsible. Policy makers are not right to blackmail on local issues, taking hostage JNE and the General Council !

In fact, if we understand what you want is to decide not only "forced" outside? Want a Jura without differences, without substantive discussions, monotone, monochrome? Unfortunately, this is not possible in a democracy ! The ethics of public debate and management issues as important, worthy of sharing and understanding of different opinions.

Your practices are backward and pushing back the values of our department land of solidarity, innovation, economic cooperation and strong relationship between our country and the people who live there.

Mrs Raquin and Pernot, we do not live in a closed park, reserved for your ambitions and projects . There are other ideas, many other opinions and cons powers. Moreover, fortunately there are associations defenses of human rights, environment, families ... to enlighten us, as actors in public life.

Yes, I think today we need new eyes to adjust our territories, meeting the needs of associations, citizens, and municipal officials, effectively and efficiently, surrounding himself with all the good wishes and especially people on the ground that we must listen more .

Instead, you tend to distrust, the small-time management of our department, the policy of piecemeal, confined to the territories you represent! In addition, you are only in power for decades, you support the government and parliamentarians who sit on the General Council at your side, you are most outgoing departmental ! And you've missed challenges of the 21st century!

However, protecting the identity of our territory, high value-added environmental and conservation of our environmental heritage, architectural, urban, social, economic wealth are our Department and the keys will development sustained future . We can not squander that wealth and more threatening associations of public utility.

Mrs Raquin and Pernot, you run the risk of removing an independent and undermine its credibility. Deep inside you, do not you think it is conceivable to be wrong sometimes, listen to contrary opinions and to reverse a decision? Or else, in the same lineage, suggesting to Mr. Sarkozy, resulting from your ranks, removing state subsidies granted to unions under the pretext that they too often descend into the street or those granted to the LDH CIMADE or because they defend with pugnacity Human Rights against certain policies xenophobic?

Friday, December 17, 2010

How To Customise A Bandana

VERDICT: NO PLACE, "Innocence Guillaume de Villiers has finally recognized "

" The Court of Appeal of Versailles , made (this) Friday (17 December) a nonsuit in favor of the eldest son of Philippe de Villiers. (Source Reuters)

counsel Maître Alexandre Varaut
President of the Federation of Paris

Guillaume de Villiers was accused wrongly by his younger brother.
In the trial that pitted two brothers, "William de Villiers, accused of raping his younger brother, will not be judged in court, according to a decision of the investigating chamber of the Court of Appeal of Versailles provided by his lawyer, Mr. Alexander Varaut. (SOURCE AFP)
verdict of the case, Justice ruled: NO NEED

Excerpts from the AFP dispatch:
"The innocence of William de Villiers is definitely recognized," he said his lawyer Alexandre Varaut, arguing that Lawrence de Villiers was "contradicted at any time when one examines the evidence and expertise" folder.

"Despite this success, this is not a feeling of triumph that we feel but a feeling of sadness for a family that has been rolled in mud and Lawrence, a fragile young man and handled, and for all what William lost since the beginning of this case, "he added

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Milena Welba Small Man

The 2011 budget of the General Council Jura

The Right has been stagnation and sank in postures politicians. The vote on the budget for the year 2011, resulted in cleavage well marked in the meeting department. On the one hand, politicians of continuity, those who support government policy and pursue a managed separately (regardless of openness, transparency and public discussions with stakeholders), few products (see vote below) and other elected officials of the opposition who have proposed a series of amendments, taste the Project as the Left and environmentalists focus in the upcoming district elections.

This budget was an opportunity for lively exchanges between the two parts of the assembly who are already campaigning against the advice of Mr. Jean Raquin, who has consistently maintained that he will work through the benefit of all Jura . However, that does not include the dissemination of leaflets in some cantons he signed for the Right ...

I will not dwell on all the amendments Danielle Brulebois, Chaumergy general counsel, has already published in part on his blog. I invite you to go there to consult . I will mention just one which concerns support for SOHO-SME of Jura.

This proposal aims to support a real economic policy towards employees and entrepreneurs to sustain their jobs and create new ones. How?

By guaranteeing the establishment or continuity of the economic activity of TPE-PME (over 80% of employment in the Jura) through direct aid that are not currently . This amendment was u n nudge in the direction of small structures . However, was refused by the Right massively ( United Left: 17 FOR / majority county: 17 AGAINST ). The Right

you it considers it has a monopoly on "Just" economic policy? You it favors large companies that may receive direct aid to the detriment of the economic Jura?

Instead, the Left to the General Council has long denounced the practice backward (no territorial balance, establishment of direct aid to large enterprises without social conditions of hiring, investment and environmental safeguards) as we propose in March, a new system fair, transparent and legible is to fill in the form of repayable advances large firms to enhance their sustainability investments. This could be associated with a bonus system. See the following amendment !

Returning therefore the terms of a true departmental policy for Micro-SME these payments could have a "leverage" to resume or start-ups . I think particularly young people and people on low incomes who are looking to relocate and who often can not pay a sum of money from which to acquire a production facility or a first device, or with respect to their banks who often wait for such guarantees accompany them in their business ventures.

Moreover, the Left has proposed another amendment , aid CAPEB (Confederation of Crafts and Small Businesses Building) for the help to intervene in schools in order to inform young people all the building trades and accompany the implementation of the assistance fund for the renovation thermal (WAX / 500th issue by which a household of 4 would be eligible). The Right voted AGAINST (17 votes) and the left (17 votes) . The amendment was refused the voice called "casting" of President.

short, the Left has fought against a right move. Although in his shoes, playing cards and the stagnation of renunciation, most county has refused all the amendments of the Left, proposed and written in the interest of our territories and the people who live there. She opted to stay the course, the same since she holds the reins of the Department. However, draft project we will compare against our positions during elections in calling for a break in the management of this community . The Jura is really needed!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Does Olive Oil Eliminate Lice?


A seminar was held last Saturday Bellecin. It was attended by candidates supported by the PS, PRG and the group left the General Council. The mayor of Dole, Jean-Claude Wambst, President of the Union of Socialist and Republican Elected Representatives (UDESR) was also present.

We worked again on the project we propose to Jura. We also made a tour of the townships with their various issues. The working day was full of discussion and debate, continuing the establishment of a strong political alternative the majority of the department. The goal is to win the Northern Department and by Lons!

Besides, as you may have read repeatedly in the press, the PRG chose a candidate on Lons North. This choice does not affect the county agreement with our radical friends .

For information, has here is no "primary" will occur because means the PS, the support group left the label and common to all candidates from the agreement PS / PRG will on a single application, mine . In this sense, the GWB Lons North candidate was not invited to the last day work. However, I ran into him on several occasions, the last community council of the CCBL where we are greeted cordially . All is well between the PS and the PRG . Finally, I know that further meetings are planned with other partners to seal at first, our common desire to win the Department .

Indeed, the need Left is huge! The county is split right behind appearances. She has more imagination and breath in the Jura. more reason to stick together !

Francis Mitterrand confirmed today that he believes "for tomorrow, as yesterday's victory left, provided it remains itself. She does not forget his family, the whole left. "

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Hollistic Nutritionist Title Allowed

trees secularism

As I announced in a previous article , a call was launched to elected officials and secular organizations, to implement the operation of" secularism trees "in our Department, to celebrate the Act of 9 December 1905, the founding pillar of our Republic.

Like Liberty trees were planted by citizens in 1792 and 1848, trees will be planted this secularism Saturday, December 11th yet in France, to commemorate the day of publication in the Official Gazette of the law.

In this context, Dole pitch its "tree of secularism" to the Commandery, the same day at 11am, attended by elected officials.

In a letter to the attention of the President of the Association of Mayors of Jura (AMF), Sylvie Vermeillet, Jean-Claude Wambst Mayor Dole and President of Socialist and Republican Elected Jura wrote: "Today in response those who argue in favor of Communitisation of the Republic, nothing is more important to preserve this fundamental balance accepted and respected by many. "

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Does My Tv Need Qam For Dish Network

"Lons Spring" is far! Alongside

Sometimes politicians forget the past and think they can escape. But this only happens in movies, and reality is much more subtle than some would have us believe.

Indeed, he recently told Pélissard not want to leave " fall the city in his wanderings. "However, for the curious, those interested in local history and for all those that do not allow themselves be fooled by false quotations, I invite you to visit the following web pages:

Video 1 Video 2

Video 3

Videos Lons-le- Saunier
, Sources of the INA.

You'll find different themes, including policies to help you better understand Lons-le-Saunier today. You'll find that the main achievements on which the Urban Municipality of Jacques Pélissard "live" today (Juraparc, Place de la Comédie, the Community House, Conservatory, the renovation of downtown, the Crossroads of Communication, the extension of social housing, the Boeuf sur le Toit, the City Kitchen, bowling alley, the House of Unions ...) were made by the Left, through its territory project developed in the medium and long term . In addition, you will discover another way of doing politics , closer to people, asking them regularly on issues they experience daily.

Moreover, at the last Community Council of the CCBL deliberations were decided in precarious conditions:
- the DGS (Director General Services) who apologizes before the opening of the meeting because he "did not have time" to take account of the last Community Council, dated July last (being candidate "other right" in the Ain department, it takes a long time?). The report is neither public nor in possession of the elect.
- thirty issues to the agenda
- nearly 4 hours of meetings "nonstop"
- tired of elected officials who do not want to ask questions
- a meeting that turns almost to chamber recordings
- elected officials who have the merit to intervene, but end up being considered almost naturally, as "hair-splitting" that prevent others from returning home
- a lack of attendance (7 people + 2 journalists for Progress) and so little doubtful before debates, and barely heard the response of elected in the Mezzanine Juraparc (no microphones)

Once again, we can ask ourselves these political practices which have in fact only one goal: keep your hand on the framing of issues, assign the bare minimum elected officials within certain decisions, while trying to make us believe in a job well done, almost "omniscient" and regular from the President. It's smoke and mirrors! The work of the Vice-Presidents is good but the management of Mr. Pélissard is exceeded.
also do commission work on all cases handled by the community council? How many elected officials actually participating? Are exhaustively informed guidance from the office? How quickly? Why Vice Presidents can not they animate thematic working meetings, even in the absence of the President, to better prepare the community boards?

Today, take the time to build the files in transparency , shared responsibility and concern for quality in accomplishments (see the redemption of the building DDAF to implant a "House of local services," where many gray areas remain ).

That's also the Left local !

* "Lons Spring" was a stroke of successful communication, dated 1989 from the list led by Mr. Pélissard who won the city on a division of the Left.
** Here is the document distributed by the team in 1989 Pélissard: document
*** In the same document (3rd image), you'll find that building a treatment plant "garbage", launched by the team of Mr. Auger was denounced in 1989 by Mr. Pélissard, then that Today he plays the defender of the key policy for the environment. At the time, he denounced "environmental pollution" and referred to the choice "between the spa and garbage" in a highly populist and thus document now contradictory. In addition, currently known what radiation Lons through its hydrotherapy? Has he grown? Finally, Lons Is Always the tip of sorting household waste, an idea supported by the Left and ecologists initially taken over by Mr. Pélissard?

Sunday, December 5, 2010

What Are Miniture Images On A Slide Called

Right now, we travel the district to distribute a questionnaire on the expectations and needs of local entrepreneurs, with respect to the General Council and in particular the future of General Counsel Lons North. Today, we notice a lack of regular links between businesses, their employees and county elected officials in the canton . It's about understanding the implications of this distance on corporate life and vision that entrepreneurs can have this territory. For example, they are informed of actions to support the local economy as the General Council may establish? Do they need new infrastructure to grow their business? How soon ...?
Why this approach?

We continue to conduct pre-campaign to gather the information needed for a better understanding of our territory and expectations of the people who live and work there. For my part, this exercise allows local strengthen the link I have with the territory continuing to understand its strengths and weaknesses to better respond later with concrete proposals.

Today all local stakeholders and citizens need to be listened , and that they need Left , more than ever! Therefore, I continue to do politics differently by getting involved every day in the field, to better understand the issues and refine our proposed land.

Maculopapular Chicken Pox

Editorial by Philippe de Villiers

The Movement For France has continued to defend our belief in the service of French through our activists, our federation leaders, and our local elected officials. The strategy of the Movement for France is now reaping the fruit of a long process since we have increased our visibility and effectiveness on the ground and our number of elected regional in March 2010 . These are all elected officials who echoed the political beliefs that we preach every day. It is now time
time of the reconquest . As you know, I recently left the General Council of Vendée. I served the Vendee with all my heart, with passion and enthusiasm for twenty-two years. Now I'm going to devote myself more fully to national policy.
I am firmly convinced, the MPF has more than ever its place in building the future of France , in building a better future. To do this we must continue to defend our ideas with enthusiasm, patience and agility in combat future so that we remain a credible force proposal in the political landscape.

With your support , the MPF will have real means for the coming electoral battles. To save France, to help us win our ideas .

Philippe de Villiers

Funny Save The Date Wedding Invitations

Conference on Economic Patrick Louis, Secretary General of MPF

September 25 Versailles MPF organized a day Ile de France Regional designed to make a return to fundamental right (Family-Islamization - Safety - Economics).

In this meeting, a conference of economy was made by Patrick Louis , Secretary General of the Movement for France , University Professor, former MEP and Councillor Rhône-Alpes,

We invite you to read his presentation by through two videos.

Part 1
Fight to restore the true values.
The consequences of the loss of the sacred
Wherever the sacred has disappeared on us disappears
Wherever the sacred comes back. Part

is the economic means to live but not the reasons for living ....


Part 2
Recovery Border
Euro too high


Saturday, December 4, 2010

Fabriquant De Dune Buggy

Federation of Paris offers activities for members of MPF

Four main activities.

In beginning of each year, she invited members and supporters of MPF Paris to share the cake.

Four conferences are organized by year (one per quarter) around a theme chosen by all members of the federation.

3) It organizes visits

Those of Palais Bourbon and the Palais du Luxembourg

A) The Palais Bourbon

A visit was held November 20, 2010

A brief overview

Located in the 7th district, the Palais Bourbon was built in the 1720s, Louise Francoise de Bourbon, daughter of Louis XIV legitimized and Mrs. de Montespan.
the Revolution in 1791, it was declared a national asset, and was assigned in 1795 to the board of five percent, it is now the headquarters of the National Assembly.

The tour begins with the reception gallery. Inaugurated in 1848, it connects to the Palais Bourbon hotel Lassay.

The current Chamber was built between 1828 and 1832. It keeps the plane in a semicircle in the Council Chamber of the Five Hundred.

The tour ends with a possible view the Court of Honor. It hosts since 1989, the monolith of black granite sphere of human rights.

B) Palais du Luxembourg

Located in the 6th arrondissement, was built in the early sixteenth century.
In 1795, he was assigned to the Executive that embraces conservative senate in 1799.
Currently he is the head of the French Senate

Note: the visits take place in excellent conditions (accompanied by a guide) but are Planned for 50 participants maximum

4) During the first half of September , organizes and proposes a weekend of three days in the Puy du Vendée Mad (Show designed by Philippe de Villiers in 1975 involving 3,000 volunteers).

Note: Invitations are sent by mail and for those who have computer with internet, email

JJ Alex

What Is More Dangerous Sleep Apnea Or Narcolepsy

of economic stagnation

Who would have us believe that the interests of elected officials is more important than the policy itself? The continuity of political and democratic debate does not stop not the personal history of elected officials. Politics is something else, government action should be considered essential and not incidental.

In this connection, the last "exit" Mr. Pélissard media, has not gone unnoticed. That's what he wanted, but was it timely?

In any case, it was a few weeks that the "noise" from the networks Pélissard became insistent. They said "he will represent in 2014 contrary to what he had said." Why the turnaround?

Mr. Pélissard, Mayor of Lons-le-Saunier and President CCBL would have the ambition to Senate elections. History of a change, to move away from local business that can sometimes be considered as "boring" after more than 20 years of service. That's right! Except that the nominations of senators Jura outgoing, Gérard Bailly and Mrs. Gilbert Barbier, would have changed his plans. We said then that a "partial legislative election" could even take place (mandates of deputy and senator are incompatible). Having changed his mind, Mr. Pélissard has opted to stay the course until 2020!

Indeed, we learn that Jacques Pélissard try to re-enlist for all its current mandates (even the president of the AMF). Then we learn that an association "Cap 2020" is being created to gather new forces around the mayor. We envision people from civil society, not too politically marked but are actually supporting this policy partisan enterprise. Mr. Pélissard is therefore the key's current assistants and other elected officials because he did not consider capable likely to succeed him. Is it not contempt? Why would he realize it only after tens of years? That prepares you it really?
yet part of a new political generation, these maneuvers shock me. Why?

1 / concerns of local people in times of crisis lie elsewhere. They do not care about the destiny of the elect.
2 / Expect 2020, while the local elections of 2014 have not yet occurred is a fiction and a lack of political realism. Mr. Pélissard even before completing this term, already provides the following being confident of his reelection as if everything was fine ... Is it not rather an admission of weakness, helplessness?
3 / Customize political action is just a representative democracy. But can you not provided to pull the strings in a democratic manner?
4 / no community council has been held since last July. The absence of public debate, lack of deliberation, clean community council, make a lot of bluster local officials who question rightly, about the inner workings of this vital forum in the balanced construction of our territory. example, is that services know more today all elected community advance issues ?

Therefore, it seems fair reaffirm that the sharing of local politics is a need for more effective policies . We can not forever rely on one person and his political entourage to preside the future of our catchment area.

In Objective 2020 "Mr. Pélissard, does that mean also that it wishes to remain President of the chipboard future until then? You it the reins before? To whom, for whom, why and how?

T'ai-tsung, a Chinese emperor of the 7th century AD said: " The princes did not think enough about themselves and their families generally prevents them from hearing what could worry. " I think this sentence is quite true and that Mr. Pélissard be lulled by a regular stream of satisfactions while other echoes are heard regularly .

Today, I am convinced that Montesquieu would reply that " to do great things, do not be so great a genius. It should not be above men, it must be with them. "Mr.

Pélissard, giving it up some of your projects that waste disperse your energy and your presence on the ground.
Take time to talk to all the elected representatives of the CCBL and listen to other opinions than those around you.
Finally, stop and think Lons lédonien Basin belong to you and all your maneuvers will inevitably! Today, things are more complicated. Besides, do not you think?

Monday, November 29, 2010

How To Make 1/64 Diaramas

Paris Paris - The new redistricting


following the order of 2009-935

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Bedwetting In Adults Pic

Bypass West of Lons, near a reality? What does John

I do not want to argue about an issue of territory as capital that must bring together all political actors and departments concerned. This is not my state of mind, nor in the interest territory awaiting this achievement for over 30 years now.
Indeed, the opposition called "systematic" has never been a political move that I support and I remember as a candidate today, we have a huge need to renew the local political practices. We need to do politics differently. Actually, our supply of life needs of drivers that support the folders to the end and working sustainably with people and other elected officials in a transparent, making the accounts regularly.

So o ù we stand for the bypass?

Firstly, I have had little new. Either we're in a completely opaque at the stoppage of work or the project does not yet know where it goes and little is to communicate.

For my part, I consider these two options as plausible. Why?

Firstly, the project does not seem to sweat the sincerity when we do not yet know what road improvements, commercial, environmental, will be established. In November 2009, if the portion of the Rock was inaugurated with great fanfare by politicians in the presence of Dominque Bussereau, former Minister of freshly landed No. 5 Fillon government, yet today, the rest of the project has failed. I do not know what you think but it does not seem appropriate to inaugurate a piece of infrastructure, while 90% remain to be done. For your curiosity, I really invite you to watch this video .

You will see the art of "wooden language" of some elected officials on this issue that greening their speech or who, like Mr. Busserau do not hesitate to talk about a topic they do not master by taking a shortcut rhetoric to talk about "major rail projects" (favors you it lacks connections to Strasbourg and Lyon for our students ? Or the southern branch of the LGV who will probably never?), "Balance" between our countries so that we know of disparities (see report Mazars, SCOT and future chipboard) ...

[Before returning to circumvention, it seems relevant to recall that all such approvals and the grand opening is expensive. I'm not saying they are not necessary, but we must be humble and cautious in terms of their costs, even in times of economic crisis continues ...]

For information, last year, the General Council had produced a poster evoking the following times: end of first section (the Star-Montmorot) in 2011 and the end of the 2nd section (Montmorot-Gevingey) in 2012.

What about today?

Work is stopped for searches and other excavations. First, where are the archaeological reports? What's on our soil? We have the right to be informed to consider all possible outlets around these searches.

investment community is important for this project. It amounts to 46 million distributed as follows:
- 11 million for the General Council
- 10 million for the state
- 9 million for the Community of Communes Basin Lons (CCBL)
- 8.5 million for the Regional Council and the rest being borne by the Fund compensation of VAT.

For example CCBL today its overall investment in this project is not finished. Since a loan of € 1.5 million at a rate of 3.90% over a period of 30 years was contracted in January 2009 with Dexia Credit Local and another loan of € 4.5 million at a rate of 3.75% is reserved for 3 years with the Caisse des Depots et Consignations to finance the participation circumvention.
We see that the debt for such a project is important, it is then necessary to anticipate new loans that will soon be released to the detriment of other equally valuable projects (renovation of roads, transport ...).

Now, why people are they not informed of what's happening? Why is there no account of reviews of projects completed, including the General Councillors, while the client is the Department? Why the General Council has agreed to open discussions with the CCBL for so little time to work together on the bypass?

Moreover, the function of General Counsel Lons North is the right step to control the infrastructure and meet monthly local elected officials and services of the General Council. But what is it really? We see only piecemeal achievements without clarity and transparency.

What solutions?

time the campaign has not come, we will therefore proposals at this time. However, there is a real problem around the project design and quality of execution. Beyond the quantitative aspect (the actual implementation at the earliest), we must be vigilant the qualitative aspect, so that the 2 sections will impact on privileged territories between hills, forests, rivers and villages with AOC.
As I often say, the issue of Jura is playing back on its identity, enhance its image to gain strong environmental sole condition that it is never lost in competition among jurisdictions that surround us and who have already taken the lead on us.

services of the General Council are working well, we must support them more effectively. Therefore, we must think through that "wall" almost impassable for pedestrians and cyclists (problematic Montmorot agricultural college), business development and tourism with areas of arrest and services, integration priority routes of travel sweet and protection of wildlife ...

Anyway, today the sounds of the project corridor ahead and announce it late. This book is vital for reducing pollution (14000 tons less CO2 per year), facilitate the movement of families in the basin lédonien and reduce congestion.

Q hen most departmental react she? When you it will decide to hold a meeting public and make this project a real priority?

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Rugby Player Pulls Pants Down

Three days of events to celebrate the premiere of Estabel to Cabrières

Friday, November 19, 2010

Night of Future Estabel
19 pm: Presentation and Tasting of Estabel Future

20 hours: Lunch festive with live music: onion soup, sausage, pastries. Attendance 8 €.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

19 pm: aperitif Primeur tasting of rosé and red Estabel AOC.
20 hours: Lunch Music prepared by the Boar Restaurant.
Entry on reservation 22 €.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

8 h 30: mountain biking all age groups (3 circuits)
Depart 8 am 30-10 pm On-site registration.
Adult 6 € (1 bottle available at registration)
Child 2 € (children under 12 years).

9 am: the hiking trail all age groups
from the wine cooperative. Free .

12 h 30: possibility of dining options prepared by the Foyer Rural.

15 pm: Closing Day primeur.
Literary Harvest: presentation of the book
"The highway crests of Herault," slideshow.

Entertainment at Caveau des Vignerons Cabrières
and on the forecourt of the cellar in a heated tent.
Listings, reservations and information:
Vintners Cellar: 04 67 88 91 60
Town Hall: 04 67 96 07 96
ATV: Mr Bourdon 06 72 80 43 73

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Is Psychology A Good Career Choice

Day the Future in Cabrières

Saturday 20 and Sunday, November 21, 2010

Day Preview at Cabrières
program with the new vintage tasting,
festive meal, musical entertainment
hiking and biking in the La Ronde Estabel
04 67 88 91 60

Sunday, November 14, 2010

How To Get Rid Of Face Rash


The leisure of Desnes, driven by Jean Raquin for years will take shape. Recently, Mr. Raquin, General Council Chairman Bernard Peyraud, Mayor and President of the union Desnes Joint Sicadesnes and Martin Schmitt of Real Cap (private developer of the site), have formalized the upcoming launch of the construction of this work, during a news conference.

We knew that the current draft of the recreation of Desnes close to his heart to Mr. Raquin developed to build $ 3.3 million, a motorway exit Arlay (Bersaillin between those that already existed and Beaurepaire). It is true that for any amount of investment (3.3 million), at the expense of taxpayers Jura, the draft Desnes interest has been great to be profitable by economic activity and development of our territory.

Prior to insinuate that most departmental spending public money so incoherent and ineffective, look what it is exactly.

First, the building permit was filed for bowling, but it announced several other short-term projects. I remember briefly, there is no bowling on our large living area, and two will come out soon land in total confusion (and Desnes Perrigny).

Furthermore, we learn for example the assumption of achieving a karting cover 4000 m2 and the construction of a building "well being" (spa, sauna ...) with or without pool. Later, the achievement of 50 to 70 cabins is under consideration, as device with the Scellier bonus! Finally, it is referred to the implementation construction of a fishing boat activity, the development of the beach, restaurant, and a home base for campers ...

You already believe in Savoy or Cap d'Agde on the island of leisure? No, welcome to Jurassic Bresse!

Without questioning the merits of the project, one that tends to develop Lake Desnes and preserve its environment, I am shocked by the proposals. Initially, communities were granted funding on a project to the public with access to the beach and pool for school and not to facilitate private investment!

Besides, why is it planned to build 70 chalets Bresse Bresse while architecture is characteristic and noteworthy? Indeed, the Bresse Jura through the first set, we know that each building architecture is historically specific. So better get on with developing our architectural heritage and to limit the impact of uncontrolled construction, as chalets en Bresse! At the Scot Country lédonien, we see how the O planning issues are important and can determine the validity of projects on the merits.

Moreover, these chalets would be built "in Scellier" . I remember that this device is designed for easier (to little Jura as the average income in the department is about 1900th / month), often already own homes, looking for interesting tools for tax exemption. The principle is simple: you buy a property that you rent to people and you reduce your taxes a portion of the amount of property purchased. The consequences are perverse because the device sometimes promotes urban sprawl, the emergence of empty homes or property rented to large sums (To repay loans more quickly) excluding de facto the middle class and the poor (especially rural). All this at taxpayer expense, since each tool tax exemption costs the community. A

Desnes, these cottages are rather intended for tourist rental, managed by a private company. I want investors to have deep pockets because if the rentals are lowered, it is their investment will be affected. Unless this proposed tax exemption is managed by a large company in this sector, which will have the means to share the investment risk.
this draft cottages, we must reaffirm that urban planning in a privileged background and feature can not be the only object of laisser faire and property speculation. The identity of our territory is at stake!

But then, why such projects grotesque s'officialisent today?

In fact, the union needs the money provided by the developer. In his absence, it would raise premiums for joining the common Sicadesnes. This idea is widely rejected while the local government finances are increasingly abused. (We see here the link of cause and effect between the disengagement of the state vis-à-vis the impact on communities and local projects where communities are losing ground in private will always seek the short-term profit at the expense of quality of life and preservation of the identity of our territories: the principle of leveling down.)

Today, the idea of a president who does not support the right, which brings together and takes the time to get things moving away again more. However, I advise him another fight much more buoyant for our area and its attractiveness. Indeed, as I already wrote about this blog home must surf on an image on an identity in line with its strong rural territory within a fragmented and an exceptional natural environment and heritage. In the Jura, we must rely fully on the environment and everything that goes with it!

For information, a National Plan of Action for the Protection of wetlands has been established. It meets the commitments of the Grenelle Environment, and participates with the undertakings set by France in the framework of the International Year of Biodiversity. In this framework, a draft national wetland park on the Jurassic Bresse. Ultimately, three sites will be selected out of 110 competitors in France. This is a tremendous opportunity for the Jura but no one speaks.

Is it more interesting to bring projects become bling than defend our territory and its characteristics?

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Best Emulator For Pokemon Silver

Analysis of DM 2 Available

I invite you to visit the blog of Danielle Brulebois, General Counsel Township Chaumergy through the following link: blog. On this page, Ms. Brulebois evokes the debates that have stirred the General Council to mark the passing of the Decision Amendment No. 2. An accessible and transparent, it explains the projects, the group's position Left and amounts voted.

Happy reading!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Short Hair Styles Finegrey Hair 2010

France - Philippe de Villiers left the General Council of Vendée

Philippe de Villiers, president of the Movement for France announced Thursday, September 30th in a statement resignation of President of the General Council of Vendée he headed since 1988.

_Philippe de Villiers is leaving the presidency of the General Council and the General Council of Vendée


In its press release "message to all the Vendee, he announced his departure at the end of October, by defending as follows:

Following a deliberate decision, I'm . At the October 31, I leave the presidency of the General Council and the General Council.

The territorial reform, the end of fiscal autonomy, the zeitgeist, the impatience, make my timely decision , wise and necessary .

We are entering a new cycle: communities will lose land, alas, their means and capacity, replacing the zeitgeist zeitgeist visionary engineer, said the president of the Movement for France.

He thanked all who were concerned about his health last year by the following terms:
I note that last year I switched from one bank to another, that of suffering to that of well healthy. I went through cancer at a gallop, and now I am cured i. A sixty-one, life goes on, "says Philippe de Villiers.
By making broad statements about the Vendee, he said that will either press conference or other statement.

He finished by saying: I efface myself

He goes wishing good luck to the Vendee saying, as stated in the "Vendée Globe .

_ Philippe de Villiers does not leave much for politics


Following his resignation September 30, Philippe de Villiers said:
" Now I'm going to devote myself more fully national policy . "

addition :
In a press release dated 04/10/2010 entitled
Stop the lies and innuendo

Secretary General of the Movement for France (MPF), Patrick Louis has tonight denied any intention given to Philippe de Villiers to leave national politics after his resignation as President of the General Council of Vendée.

"Before the intentions of certain political organizations right to reach out to our members, our executives and our supporters, "the MPF " is sorry to tell them and teach them that Philippe de Villiers, who defeated disease (a cancer of the eye, ed) and was discharged from the management of his department , is more than ever in the race national policy "writes Patrick Louis in a statement.

"We are also pleased that many families are looking at the political point of MPF come begging our base of voters and activists , "he adds. Philippe de Villiers said on Thursday his resignation from the General Council of Vendée department he chaired for 22 years.

The next day, the movement far right Identity Bloc said in a statement that, in turn, the MPF (was) more "and called on all its" members, activists and managers to (...) (s) join the ranks identity ".

Federation MPF Paris

JJ Alex

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Changing Boat Ownership Ontario

and listening!

We continue our regular work, closer to local realities. Why, how? In fact, it is a daily commitment to continue throughout the territory with a motivated team and be attentive to the field people and their needs.

Therefore, we wanted to meet with the mayors and their deputies to share with them on issues and inter-communal and their vision for the future development of the basin lédonien face challenges such as "Grand Lons" or the SCOT (Schema Consistency Region).

This approach is innovative for a candidate who has no electoral mandate. It might seem surprising, but it has repeatedly been hailed by politicians. Overall, all the exchanges were of great quality and summarize the link we want to establish the needs of the township and the responses that a general counsel must make available in full. The construction of a balanced territory also depends on the involvement of general counsel in the development of catchment area (monitoring records, meetings Public Accounts Minutes of money ...).

The establishment of a genuine grassroots democracy is suspended in these settings. It is a necessity. Today, we need new eyes to control our communities. Indeed, we must constantly measure the satisfaction of our fellow citizens in public decisions, as Jurassiennes and Jura are the heart of our project!